Let me introduce you to We Help People, Inc. While the organization is fictitious, it is based on past clients’ experience when the IRS revoked…
Receiving 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS is a long process that every nonprofit must go through. However, that status can very quickly disappear without…
Nonprofit organizations are offering valuable services to the community in need but becoming 501(c)(3) certainly has many hurdles. Additionally, COVID-19 has impacted the timeline to…
The fundraising landscape has changed many times over the years, especially as technology has advanced. In the internet age, it’s no surprise that online fundraising…
After completing each fiscal year, nonprofit start-up organizations must comply with year-end reporting at both the state and federal levels. Failure to remain in compliance…
At this point, you’re well past the startup phase and into the nonprofit’s ongoing operation. Making it to this point requires time, dedication, and a…
Initially, the entirety of programming responsibilities will rely on the Board of Directors. However, they alone will only be capable of maintaining the nonprofit’s operations…
Starting and building any organization requires money. Large donations may not occur until your organization has trackable success stories and credibility. Until then, nonprofit organizations…
Before we get started with this step, take a minute to congratulate yourself! Forming a nonprofit, applying for tax-exempt status, and filing the required state…
After creating the initial documents and filing for federal tax-exempt status, it can often feel like the startup work is complete. However, there are still…