
  • Banking and Finance
  • Board Management
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • Business Software & Solutions
  • Computer Hardware
  • CRM
  • Fundraising & Donor Management Software
  • Fundraising Consulting & Administration
  • Grant Management
  • Marketing & Social Media
  • Nonprofit Education & Industry Resources
  • Payment Software
  • Preferred Partners
  • Technology
  • Tickets & Events
  • Virtual Mail Providers
  • CF Standards

    For Nonprofits to find local community Foundation to see if they qualify for local community grants. Find community foundations in your area by clicking on the map.

  • Calendly


    Scheduling software system that allows for automation and integrates into various platforms

  • Canva

    A graphic design platform that provides tools for creating social media graphics, presentations, promotional merchandise and websites.

  • Charity Charge

    Charity Charge

    Charity Charge is the first and only no fee, no personal guarantee business credit card designed specifically for nonprofit expenses.

  • Connect All

    Spread the word about your nonprofit’s mission, engage new supporters, fund raise in more ways online—do all this and more when you join Google for Nonprofits.

    Connect all: Technology solutions for NP. Refurbished computers

  • Constant Contact

    Constant Contact

    A digital marketing tool that allows integration with multiple platforms

  • Council on Foundation

    Council on Foundations

    The Council on Foundations fosters an environment where philanthropy can thrive and cultivates a community of diverse and skilled philanthropic professionals and organizations who lead with integrity, serve as ethical stewards and advocate for progress.

  • Eventbrite


    A event hub that connects you to local events and allows you to create your own events with ticket information.

  • EventZilla


    An all in one event registration and marketing platform