
  • Banking and Finance
  • Board Management
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • Business Software & Solutions
  • Computer Hardware
  • CRM
  • Fundraising & Donor Management Software
  • Fundraising Consulting & Administration
  • Grant Management
  • Marketing & Social Media
  • Nonprofit Education & Industry Resources
  • Payment Software
  • Preferred Partners
  • Technology
  • Tickets & Events
  • Virtual Mail Providers
  • Evernote


    A note-taking and task management application that helps you get organizations and be productive.

  • Fundly


    Raise Money For Anything. Fundly is fast, easy, and has no raise requirements or start up fees

  • Give Central

    Give Central

    Intuitive and easy-to-use online donation platform that serves to increase nonprofit financial health and sustainability.

  • Givebutter


    Fundraising platform for nonprofits to raise money, track donations, and engage with donors.

  • Givelively


    A Fundraising tech company that is powerful, practical & free with a focus on digital fundraising.

  • GUSA

    Giving USA

    Subscription publication on Philanthropy sources and giving

  • Gofundme Charity

    GoFund Me Charity

    Easy to use fundraising platform that helps you raise more money and engage more donors than ever.

  • Google Ad Grants

    Google Ad Grants

    The Google Ad Grants Program gives nonprofits the chance to advertise on Google Ads at no cost to the nonprofit. This program gives qualified organizations $10,000 per month in Google Ads spend to be used to promote their missions and initiatives on

  • Google-for-Nonprofits

    Google For Nonprofits

    Be more collaborative, productive, and efficient with G Suite for Nonprofits. Help your nonprofit collaborate more effectively with smart, secure business apps like Gmail, Docs, Calendar, Drive, and Hangouts Meet, so you can focus on what matters.