
  • Banking and Finance
  • Board Management
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • Business Software & Solutions
  • Computer Hardware
  • CRM
  • Fundraising & Donor Management Software
  • Fundraising Consulting & Administration
  • Grant Management
  • Marketing & Social Media
  • Nonprofit Education & Industry Resources
  • Payment Software
  • Preferred Partners
  • Technology
  • Tickets & Events
  • Virtual Mail Providers
  • GroupMe


    A group chat platform that allows users to create events and share polls and more for up to 10K members

  • Guidestar


    GuideStar gathers, organizes, and distributes information about U.S nonprofits. It sounds simple, but in reality it’s an enormous undertaking. Our mission is to revolutionize philanthropy by providing information that advances transparency, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving.

  • Gusto

    Gusto Wallet

    A full service payroll software with tax calculations, log in and time tracking capability.

  • Honeybook


    Client management system that integrates with several platforms, creates invoices, customize contracts, schedules appointments and takes secure payments.

  • Linkedin Nonprofits

    LinkedIn For Nonprofits

    LinkedIn For Nonprofits offers many ways for your organization to benefit from the largest professional network in the world. Whether you’re looking to find and develop talent, drive nonprofit awareness and build community, fundraise/development or develop your talent and volunteers, we can help.

  • Myle


    Entertainment software that curates customizable events, amplify visibility and gain customer insights

  • Mailchimp


    Mailchimp offers a 15% discount to nonprofits and charities that we verify. Mailchimp has email marketing, ads, landing pages, and CRM tools to grow your business on your terms. Get the word out with email, social ads, and more.

  • Mailerlite


    A digital marketing tool that includes email marketing, online forms, landing pages and websites.

  • Microsoft


    Microsoft provides donated and discounted services to eligible nonprofits.