
  • Banking and Finance
  • Board Management
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • Business Software & Solutions
  • Computer Hardware
  • CRM
  • Fundraising & Donor Management Software
  • Fundraising Consulting & Administration
  • Grant Management
  • Marketing & Social Media
  • Nonprofit Education & Industry Resources
  • Payment Software
  • Preferred Partners
  • Technology
  • Tickets & Events
  • Virtual Mail Providers
  • Society for Nonprofits

    Society for Nonprofits is a leading resource for nonprofit professionals and has been helping nonprofit leaders increase their knowledge and grow the capacity of their organizations for more than 30 years.

  • Square


    An all in one platform to create a website, sell online, market your organization and more.

  • Stripe

    A payment processing system acceptong payments online and in person.

  • Techsoup


    A nonprofit tech marketplace

  • The Grantsmanship Center

    Our mission is to help private and public nonprofits make better communities. We do that by offering training and publications to help organizations plan solid programs, write logical, compelling grant proposals and create earned income opportunities

  • Trello


    As a registered non-profit, you’re eligible for a 75% discount on Trello Business Class and Enterprise! Atlassian Community Licenses are designed for registered non-profit charitable organizations and charities which are non-government, non-academic, non-commercial in nature, have no religious affiliation and that would not otherwise be able to afford Atlassian software. If your organization does not really fit into this description, we suggest you purchase one of our commercial licenses – they are still highly affordable.

  • Wave


    A money management tool. Create invoices, accept payments increase accounting.

  • Zapier


    An automation tool with 7,000+ integrations and service offerings empowering nonprofits to create processes and systems for their tedious day to day tasks.

  • Zoom


    A video based platform that provides a range of solutions for meetings, chat, phone, mail, calendar and all around productivity.