The IRS filing deadline is May 15 for nonprofits with a December 31 year-end. File your 990 today!

Where can I get more funding for my Nonprofit?

You’ve gone through the process and obtained your nonprofit’s 501(c)3 and now you don’t know what steps you want to take.

Many organizations are having a hard time figuring out where to go next and get the funding they need to grow their nonprofit. Today, most nonprofit organizations in America struggle in growing or sustaining their operations. Therefore, building your organization’s capacity is essential to its ability to survive. The best way to begin seeking funding for your nonprofit would be through corporate sponsorship, a mutually beneficial partnership between your organization and a company. This can be them sponsoring an event for you, or other types of assistance with your nonprofit. This can be beneficial for both of you.

There are many benefits of creating a corporate sponsorship program including generating funding for marketing, creating awareness for your brand, and obtaining donations and grants. This is a great starting point for nonprofits to get funding for their basics to start up their new nonprofit organization.

Corporate Sponsorships can help your nonprofit flourish into anything you want it to be. It can kick-start your project into high gear and get you off the ground. It will assist your nonprofit in laying a solid foundation for future growth and sustainability. These sponsorships could help you make a website, social media pages, marketing tools, and many more ideas to help get the most out of your new nonprofit.

Develop a strong proposal in order to attract corporate sponsorships. While doing your research, keep these things in mind:

1 Identify your demographic.

Know the people you are after and what your target market should be.

2 Develop a strong marketing strategy.

Know exactly what you’re going to do, say and even show them to get them on board with you.

3 Have a strong proposal.

Don’t even bother asking without a proposal. They personally need to see a proposal to know all the facts.

4 Know your proposal inside and out.

Show them you have done your homework.

5 Show great benefits in becoming a sponsor.

Give them numbers, pictures and anything else that can help visually show them this is a great sponsorship that will help their company as well as yours.

6 Follow up.

Make sure they know that a day, week, or month down the road you are always interested in doing business with them.

Don’t be shy when trying to captivate corporate sponsorships, many companies will jump at the opportunity to work with you. Keep in mind this is a win-win. The corporation will gain recognition and the benefits could be endless, while the nonprofit gains donations and a start up for their new organization. This should be anyone’s first step after obtaining a 501(c)(3) to make the most of your Nonprofit.

Still not sure? Many young nonprofits don’t have a clue on where to start to achieve corporate sponsorships. We can help you! BryteBridge Nonprofit Solutions will work with your nonprofit organizations, helping you develop relationships with organizations in both the nonprofit and private sector. Brian Davis, CEO of BryteBridge Nonprofit Solutions said: “We hope to stimulate new relationships with our nonprofit clients and help them grow in the process, healthy nonprofit organizations help the American economy on many levels.”