Are You Prepared For Grants?Congratulations! You have received your 501c3 tax exempt status from the IRS and are now looking to secure funding for your…
Nonprofit organizations and charities survive on fundraisers and events due to the fact that they are already doing so much for the community for no…
Marketing Tips I’m sure you have come to the realization that digital marketing is critical when looking to grow your small business. It’s an essential…
For more than a decade, I have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of grass roots nonprofits which have outstanding missions, with leaders who…
There’s a whole lot of chatter in the non-profit-sphere about grants, acquiring them, writing grant proposals and hiring grant writing services. There are people bending…
Hosting events is a great way to boost your fundraising efforts as well as expand awareness for your organization or cause. The trick is actually…
Your website is your storefront. In many cases, it provides a prospect’s first impression of your company. You know what they say about first impressions;…
Though internet and email have revolutionized the conventional business building techniques, it is surprising that many nonprofit organizations do not make use of this powerful…
Social networking can seem a little daunting if you’ve never dipped your toes in. There are so many different sites – What is each one…
What good is an opt-in list? That seems like a crazy question on the surface because you know that an opt-in list is necessary if…